SPoC: Key to Success in Odoo Implementations

What truly matters is the onboarding of users within the planned timelines and budget.

When it comes down to making your Odoo implementation a resounding success, two things matter most: clear communication and laser-focused efficiency. But how to achieve this? In short - we need a SPoC (Single Point of Contact) - on both sides.

So, what's SPoC all about? Imagine having one go-to person on each side - yours and ours. This isn't about cutting down on emails or meetings. It's about making every interaction count, ensuring decisions aren't just made but are made swiftly and align with our shared goals. Odoo's capabilities are vast, but without a clear, unified direction, it's easy to get lost in the possibilities. That's where SPoC steps in - steering the ship, keeping us on course.

Imagine the journey towards implementing a project as a voyage to Rome, where the project sponsor—the Strategist—sets the ultimate destination. They outline the vision, the broader objective the project aims to achieve. However, the path to Rome, filled with decisions on routes and methods, falls under the purview of the SPoCs, the Tacticians of the project. 

The Tacticians (SPoCs) are tasked with choosing the mode of transport, deciding between the detailed, scenic route of the train or the direct, swift path of the plane. They plan each stop, ensuring alignment with the strategic vision, and adeptly steer the project around obstacles, keeping it firmly on track towards Rome and not inadvertently heading towards Berlin. 

While the Strategist (project sponsor) defines the "why" and "what" of the project, the Tacticians (SPoCs) masterfully handle the "how" and "when," applying their tactical acumen to navigate the day-to-day challenges and ensuring that every decision aligns with the ultimate goal.

Its Importance

We're not just talking theory here; our conviction in the SPoC model stems from over a decade of hands-on experience at the European Institutions, managing projects of all sizes. Time and again, we've witnessed the critical difference a SPoC makes. In projects where this role was filled, the roadmap to success was clear: deadlines met, budgets under control, and objectives achieved.

The SPoC isn’t just a mediator; they are the linchpin that holds everything together. They have the unique ability to speak both 'tech' and 'business,' ensuring that all sides are not just heard, but also understood.

This role isn't about being another cog in the machine; it's about being the one who ensures the machine runs smoothly, aligning every moving part towards a common goal.

To maintain clarity and focus, we recommend appointing no more than two SPoCs (one main and one backup) per company. This ensures that communication remains streamlined and effective, without diluting the responsibility or complicating the communication channels.

Its Benefits

Implementing Odoo isn't a walk in the park. It's a complex beast, requiring a nuanced understanding of both the software and your business. The SPoC bridges this gap. By having a dedicated person who speaks both languages, we cut through the complexity, making the implementation not just faster but smarter.


With a SPoC, companies and implementation teams benefit from having a clear, direct line of communication. With SPoC, gone are the days of miscommunications and delays. It's all about getting straight to the point, ensuring both teams are always aligned.


Decisions need to happen now, not next week. SPoC empowers quick, informed decision-making, keeping the momentum up and the project on track.


Efficient communication and project management translate into reduced project duration.Time is money. By making the process more efficient, we're not just saving time; we're saving your budget, too.

Training & Support

Every business is unique. With SPoC, training and support are crafted to fit your needs perfectly, ensuring your team gets the most out of Odoo.

Picking Your SPoC

Who makes the best SPoC? The effectiveness of a SPoC hinges on their availability. It's crucial that they have enough time dedicated to overseeing the project. The exact hours needed weekly will vary depending on the project's scale, but what remains constant is the necessity for the SPoC to be fully engaged without being overburdened by other responsibilities. This ensures that project momentum is maintained without unnecessary delays.

The ideal SPoC is someone deeply familiar with the company's culture and processes, capable of making informed, swift decisions that propel the project forward.

This individual should possess the authority required to make significant project decisions and be fully engaged with the project's timeline and objectives, ensuring that the implementation aligns with the company's strategic goals.

To ensure seamless communication, the SPoC must be fluent in at least one of our primary languages: English, French, German, or Luxembourgish. This linguistic flexibility ensures that nuanced discussions about the project's direction and requirements are clearly understood and acted upon.

What SPoC Means for You

Your SPoC should be your go-to person for all project-related communications, responsible for translating your needs into actionable tasks for the implementation team and vice versa. Expect them to use a variety of communication tools and strategies to keep all stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the project.

While the SPoC does not need to be a part of the company's management team, it's imperative that they have full management support. This backing empowers them to make critical decisions swiftly, without the need to consult management at every turn, thereby accelerating the project's pace and ensuring its alignment with strategic objectives.


Adopting the SPoC model in Odoo implementations is not just a strategy; it's a pathway to success. It ensures that your project benefits from streamlined communication, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and tailored training and support. By understanding the role and benefits of a SPoC, and selecting the right individual for this position, companies can significantly improve the outcomes of their Odoo implementation projects.

We encourage companies embarking on Odoo implementations to embrace the SPoC model for a smoother, more successful project journey. For further information or to discuss integrating a SPoC into your project, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we can align our expertise with your needs to achieve the best possible outcomes.

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Presentation of Odoo 17 at Odoo Experience 2023